Friday, 5 October 2012

The Bea Project - Chapter 6

When I got home I went up to my room and changed my clothing, I put on a pair of denim shorts and a slouchy T-shirt top and went and sat in the garden with my Mum, Dad and Dexter.  The weather had been hot for the last few days, and although it was cooling down now it was still nice to sit in the garden and relax with a glass of something white, nicely crisp and chilled. 

Dexter had come to stay with Mum and Dad for a few days, I was pleased that he was as I had a few things that needed to be sorted out before tomorrow and he was the ideal person to help me. 

Mum had prepared a dinner which consisted of ham and egg salad with strawberries and cream to follow.  It was scrumptious, and slimming too.  We sat under the shade of the big oak tree and chatted about the day whilst we ate our dinner. 

My Mum was so excited this evening and took great delight in telling us all about her earlier visit to see the new baby, Harry.  She did go on about how much he looked like Amy when she was first born.  Poor kid, I thought.

It was such a lovely evening, Dexter and myself decided to shatter the neighbours peace by making some noise and had a bit of a jamming session, he on the guitar and myself on the fiddle, started with a little bit of Paganini and progressed through my favourite classical pieces ending up with some modern pieces from Jason Mraz and ending up with Katy Perry.  We played until the sun dropped over the edge of the horizon, it was fun to play with Dexter too.     

When the dusk rolled in I said Goodnight to my Mum, Dad and Dexter and made my way back into the house, up the stairs to my room.  It was late and I still had my stuff to pack for the weekend, I was supposed to do this earlier on this evening but hey ho, I think I was a bit too excited to sleep.  I rummaged around in the back of the double wardrobe for my suitcase.  I used to think that was where the lion lived but Mum always kept the holiday suitcases stored there when I was little and they were always put back in the same place whenever we returned from far flung holidays, even now I had a choice of four. 

I decided I would use the hard-sided silver one it would make it easier to transport everything and hopefully get there in one piece.  Otherwise it was completely beyond me how I was going to transport my violin, my guitar and my clothes up to Manchester on the train, this was the easiest solution. 

I hauled the suitcase up on to the bed and unzipped it.  I threw in a couple of pairs of jeans, some clean underwear, a nightie, and a couple of cotton tops, a handful of scrunchie hair bands, my toothbrush, toothpaste, dental floss.  The list was endless, oh and not forgetting my make-up kit and a hairbrush. 

I looked at my watch it was now gone midnight, time for me to get some serious shuteye.  I showered quickly and was in bed by quarter to one.  Good job my name wasn’t Cinderella because I would have turned back into a pumpkin by now but I was all set and I was ready to go when the morning in all her glory arrived at my front door.

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